A Dog's Phases of learning

Acquisition: The first stage of learning where they begin to learn or develop a skill, habit or quality. Teaching the behavior by luring into position and capturing the behavior.

Automation: The second stage of learning where they can execute commands when asked in a controlled environment with minimal distractions. Adding name a name to the cue/position once the dog anticipates or offers behavior.

Generalization: Taking their skills and attempting them in a broader setting, new distractions, new people and a bigger challenge. Practicing cue in different places or scenarios.

Maintenance: Working with what the dog knows and keeping those skills sharp under any and all circumstances. Remember that if you don't use it, you lose it. This is a complete understanding of the cue.

-Check out our other courses for an in-depth analysis on the types of commands and skills we teach, what challenges you'll face when working with your dog and an overall synopsis of how we at Athens approaches training.

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